KB - Spr 20 - 15 Survivors of the Krimson and Kream
DP: @901prince_
ADPs : @quill.iii @therealgizmo_
1. Bryant Mckinney, Jr.- YO ProseKutor- @b__suave
2. DeAnte Payne- YO ProDEUCEr- @anteofficial
3. Bryce Currie- Psilent Knight- @bryce.c____
4. Tylen Daniels- 4 Karat- @4k_tyj
5. DeMarcus Williams- Krowd Kontrol- @901.marcoo
6. LaDarian McCurrie- KAPPAtizer- @l.mccurrie
7. Charles Nichols- PerfeKtion- @jovencharles
8. Detrel Lewis- IntoxiK8tion- @iam.trel
9. Derek Colston -Hit StiK- @kvng_colston
10. Jaden Black- Yo PresKription- @jaden10k_
11. Michael Taylor- Klark Kent- @k11ark_kent
12. Demetrius Harris- AKuafina- @phill_413
13. Brandon Moses- Stefan UrKelle- @_.b.mo
14. Thomas Pickens- KonKrete- @tpicksixem
15. Markevion Quinn- Play AKtion- @playaktion_7
Designer : @demi.blvck @mr_blvck__
?: @classic.shots X @marius_harrell