Roll call!
Roland Martin called out the Divine Nine, civil rights organizations, the Democratically controlled state legislature in Maryland, the Black Attorney General in the state (who appeared on #RolandMartinUnfiltered during his campaign) and damn near every Black person in Maryland for their silence on the funding battle HBCUs are fighting to get millions of dollars from the state that they rightfully deserve.
Roland said of the various national Black organizations: “If all you are doing is talking about what is happening on the inside of your organizations and you’re not helping Black folks externally … it’s a waste of damn time!”
Roland also threw down the gauntlet and challenged all those who he named saying, “You can’t tell me we can’t organize to get a billion damn dollars for HBCUs.”
FYI: A coalition of HBCUs sent a letter to elected officials in Maryland offering to settle its 13-year-old lawsuit against the state for $577 million in the beginning of September.
Last week, Gov. Larry Hogan made a “final offer” of $200 million to settle the longstanding lawsuit. The Baltimore Sun called Hogan’s offer “inadequate” and “insulting.”
The two sides are at an impasse, but you can help Maryland’s HBCUs in their fight to obtain the state funds they are entitled to.
Call Gov. Larry Hogan’s office at (410)974-3901 and Speaker of the Maryland House of Delegates, Adrienne Jones at (410)655-3090 and demand HBCUs be given the funds they deserve.
Watch this segment of #RMU in its entirety
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